ENGLISH SUB Garo is a Japanese tokusatsu television series broadcast on TV Tokyo from October 7, 2005, to March 31, 2006, lasting 25 episodes (with one additional 'Overview' special, summarizing the events of episodes 1 through 13, aired before episode 14). GARO (2014) is a Japanese Dramas Starring Nakayama Masei ,Mizuishi Atomu Also Known As: Garo: The Makai Flower Aired On: Friday Polt : Garo: Makai no East Garo Hills District was upgraded from a sub-division to a full-fledged district in 1976, after the erstwhile Garo Hills District was reorganised with a view to bring the administration closer to the people.Country: Japan Type: Drama Episodes: 25 Posted by: admin Released on: Decem.